2021, Number 5
Facial stimulation with platelet growth factors in Dermatology consultation
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1409-1417
PDF size: 844.22 Kb.
Aging is a complex process that brings with it cellular, histological and cutaneous changes, the latter being one of its most obvious manifestations. Platelet-rich plasma is a reliable source of cells to regenerate tissues; due to its easy availability, it is a harmless material. Bio-stimulation with it is a set of procedures to activate the fibroblasts anabolic functions and the production of collagen, elastin and hyaluronic acid. The tendency to use it in anti-aging treatments increases faster and faster. The objective of this work was updating the topic to expose important aspects about application methods, indications, complications and contraindications. There are several methods of applying facial bio-stimulation such as performing papules, napagge, and retroinjection. It has been used in androgenic alopecia, alopecia areata, cutaneous ageing, etc. The most commonly found complications are pain, erythema, burning and local bleeding. The most common contraindications include recidivist herpes simplex, coagulopaties, anticoagulant treatment, collagen-related diseases and neoplasms.REFERENCES
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