2021, Number 5
The educational guiding of the medical science teacher to covid-19
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1360-1370
PDF size: 779.12 Kb.
Introduction: educational orientation, from the teacher-student relationship, is essential for the transit of the youth through higher education; it requires special attention in the period of confrontation with covid-19 and is essential for the student of medical sciences.Objective: to identify the perception of the teacher's guiding function in facing covid-19 in medical sciences students.
Materials and methods: a descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out in the period between April and October 2020. The universe of work was represented by 18 first-year students of the Medical pregraduate course, from the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Mayabeque, who carry out the research in a community belonging to the Teaching Polyclinic Dr. Luis Li Trigent. The existence of the teacher as a counselor, areas of educational orientation, student problems and assessment of empathic teacher-student communication were among the analyzed data.
Results: the students recognize the teacher's existence as a counselor. The area of educational guidance with the highest incidence in which the teacher's guiding role was expressed was the academic one. The predominant problems identified by students are related to the teaching-learning process. There was a positive assessment of empathic teacher-student communication.
Conclusions: the teacher-student relationship becomes more relevant during the covid-19 pandemic. The medical student faces new conditions in the teaching-educational process and demands the guidance of the teacher.
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