2021, Number 5
Behavior of the Dentistry Emergency Service in the times of COVID-19. Jagüey Grande, Matanzas, 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 19
Page: 1209-1220
PDF size: 820.93 Kb.
Introduction: in March 2020, the World Health Organization decided that COVID-19 could be characterized as a pandemic. Since then on, Cuba has implemented health control measures and prevents the collapse of the health services. For its part, basic dentist care was replaced by emergency care and is provided by qualified personnel with protective equipment.Objective: to describe the behavior of care to dentistry emergencies.
Materials and methods: a cross-sectional, descriptive, observational study was carried out to a universe formed by 3 722 patients, 32 dentists and 29 bachelors. The variables age, gender and emergency pathology were studied.
Results: among the dentists who attended the emergency, those aged 22-35 years (68.75 %), who were female (77.27 %), and bachelors from the 36-50 age group (68.96 %) predominated. The patients treated in the Emergencies were mostly 19 to 59 years old (76.03 %) and male (52.76 %). The most representative reasons for care there were toothache (53.68 %), acute alveolar abscess (17.35 %), dental hyperesthesia (6.15 %) and aphthous stomatitis (5.02 %).
Conclusions: emergency dentistry care was provided mainly by young female persons, not included within the vulnerable group. The main dentistry emergencies were toothaches by pulpal inflammatory states, acute alveolar abscess, dental hyperesthesia and aphthous stomatitis, prevailing adult male patients.
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