2024, Number 01
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Ginecol Obstet Mex 2024; 92 (01)
Iron deficiency anaemia in pregnancy: comparison of intermittent versus continuous ferrous sulphate regimen
Castellanos HD, Borja VM, Rosales OS
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 1-7
PDF size: 187.07 Kb.
Objective: To compare hemoglobin concentrations in pregnant women with iron
deficiency anemia who received intermittent versus continuous treatment with 200 mg
oral ferrous sulfate. In addition, to compare the incidence of side effects of intermittent
versus continuous treatment.
Materials and Methods: Randomized, non-blinded, clinical trial conducted at
the Unidad Médica de Alta Especialidad Hospital de Ginecoobstetricia 4 Luis Castelazo
Ayala, IMSS, in patients aged 18 to 35 years attended between January and March 2023
with 30 or more weeks of pregnancy, diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia (operationally
defined only with a blood biometry lower than 11 g/dL, with hypochromia and
microcytosis), without a history of chronic degenerative disease. Statistical analysis was
performed in SPSS v21 program, distribution and characteristics of the sample with
univariate analysis, followed by bivariate analysis with Student's t and mean difference.
A value of p ‹ 0.05 was considered statistically significant.
Resultados: Thirty-two patients were studied: 16 with continuous and 16 with intermittent
regimen. Both groups with increase of 1 g/dL between initial and final hemoglobin (p ‹
0.01), with a mean difference between groups increase with p = 0.4. With significant
reduction in epigastralgia and nausea.
Conclusions: Intermittent treatment with ferrous sulfate increases hemoglobin
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