2024, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (2)
Rated and self-rated health among Venezuelan migrants in Colombia, Costa Rica and Chile
Giourguli-Saucedo SE, Angoa MA, Lara-Castañeda E
Language: Spanish
References: 23
Page: 182-190
PDF size: 318.89 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the self-rated health (SRH) of
migrants born in Venezuela using the Survey of Recent Immigration
(LAMP-ENIR 2021).
Materials and methods.
The survey collected information of migrants in three cities
in Colombia-Cúcuta, Barranquilla and Santa Martha–, San
José Costa Rica and Santiago de Chile. We analyze if
the SRH varies by city and the changes before and after the
international move; and the association between the SRH
and the sociodemographic profile, the type of occupation
and the education of migrants. We estimated ordinal and
logistic models to identify the factors related to the SRH
and changes before and after the migration.
Results. We
found significative differences in the SRH by sex, occupation
and among cities; in addition, women, those out of the labor
force and those who reported pre-existing diseases have
a higher probability of expressing a deterioration in their
health after the migration occurred.
Conclusions. Disadvantages
are emphasized in the SRH regarding the type of
employment of migrants, but not regarding education. The
differences between host countries may be associated with
particularities in migration management, integration policies
and access to health.
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