2024, Number 2
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salud publica mex 2024; 66 (2)
Migration due to insecurity and violence in Mexico prior to the Covid-19 pandemic: vulnerabilities and characteristics
Rodríguez O, Masferrer C
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 130-136
PDF size: 624.43 Kb.
Objective. Analyze the places where people who migrated
due to insecurity and violence lived in March 2020 before
the start of the pandemic, as well as their socioeconomic
and demographic conditions.
Materials and methods.
Using microdata from the 2020 Mexican Census, and
spatial correlation analysis, we first determine the regions
that attracted migrants due to insecurity and violence and
that showed low levels of violence prior to the Covid-19
pandemic. Subsequently, we analyze the socioeconomic and
demographic characteristics of these migrants and other
internal migrants and compare them with those in other
Results. Internal migrants due to insecurity
and violence faced disadvantages in terms of employment
and access to health services, prior to the pandemic.
Conclusion. The effects of the pandemic and its confinement
may have been greater for these migrants than others.
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