2022, Number 1
Elements of a teaching method considering the diversity of students addressed to the teaching staff of dentistry major
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-11
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Introduction: a professor who attends to the individual and diverse characteristics of students can contribute to the quality of the teaching-learning process.Objective: to draw up a teaching method responding to the diversity of students addressed to the teaching staff of dentistry major.
Methods: a descriptive and qualitative research was carried out in Dentistry major at Las Tunas University of Medical Sciences, during the academic course 2019-2020. The field of research was defined considering the diversity of Dentistry students and as an object in the postgraduate teaching-learning process. The research was carried out in four stages: 1) analysis of the program-D of study and guiding documents; 2) review of articles, theses and other documents; 3) drawing up the teaching method and 4) introduction of the teaching method to be enriched by the criteria of professors.
Results: a teaching method was drawn up and presented considering the diversity of Dentistry students and intended for the professors of this major. The teaching method was structured with a general objective, six specific topics, each with objectives, content system (knowledge, development of skills and values) along with teaching tasks. Different knowledge systems on pedagogical and didactic aspects, curricular design, comprehensive pedagogical diagnosis, historical study and theoretical foundations, related to student diversity were addressed.
Conclusions: a teaching method was drawn up for the postgraduate course addressed to the teaching staff of dentistry major.
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