2022, Number 1
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Revista Cubana de Salud Pública 2022; 48 (1)
Theoretical perspective of intersectoral empowerment by public health in community managers and leaders
Castell-Florit SP, Gispert AEÁ, Álvarez LME, Santana EMC, Hernández FPP
Language: Spanish
References: 33
Page: 1-25
PDF size: 868.85 Kb.
Public health is the expression of a complex set of factors in which elements of different kinds concur in close link with policies, sectors and economic and social actors. Therefore, the management of any process of health, well-being and quality of life requires the concurrence and alliance of the sectors involved with a common purpose, which is achieved through intersectorality. However, the conscious participation of community leaders and managers would be mediated by their intersectoral empowerment by public health.
Develop an operational theoretical perspective of intersectoral empowerment by public health in community managers and leaders.
Research of technological development. After the bibliographic consultation for the theoretical approach, different concepts and definitions were established on intersectoral empowerment by public health and its dimensions, which were validated in consultation with experts, the criteria issued allowed to add, eliminate or modify and reach the final version. Statistical processing was through the validity ratio and content validity index, according to the Lawshe model modified by Tristan.
Clear, coherent and relevant concepts and definitions were achieved, whose indexes of validity of global and acceptable content in each aspect coincided in 0.84, 0.78 and 1.00, respectively. The overall theoretical perspective was satisfactory.
An operationalized theoretical perspective was obtained for intersectoral empowerment as an integrated construct from which elements that enable its diagnosis can be delimited in managers and leaders of the community sectors.
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