2022, Number 1
Spatial stratification of tuberculosis in the western provinces of Cuba, 2011-2015 in children under 15 years
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-12
PDF size: 785.79 Kb.
Introduction: Children tuberculosis has a low incidence in Cuba, however, it is considered an indicator of recent transmission of the disease.Objective: Spatially stratify tuberculosis in children under 15 years of age in the western region of Cuba in the period 2011-2015, according to the progressive goals towards the elimination of the disease.
Methods: An ecological time series study was conducted. The spatial stratification of tuberculosis was carried out from geospatial techniques that assign to each territory weighted values graded with respect to the established ranges of the geometric means of the notification rates in the period. The strata correspond to the progressive goals towards the elimination of tuberculosis.
Results: The provinces of Havana [municipalities : Plaza de la Revolución (2.4), Centro Habana (3.7), San Miguel del Padrón (2.1), Diez de Octubre (1.6) and Marianao (1.0)], Mayabeque (municipalities : Melena del Sur (3.5) and San José de las Lajas (1.4)] and Matanzas [municipalities : Unión de Reyes (1.1)] were found in the category of very advanced ultracontrol.
Conclusions: The presence of different geospatial strata of tuberculosis in children under 15 years of age in the western region of Cuba confirms the need to design strategies that adapt to the reality of the different territories. The geospatial approach strengthens the epidemiological stratification according to the progressive goals towards the elimination of tuberculosis.
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