2022, Number 1
Burnout and depression in internal medicine doctors and intensive care unit in Riobamba, Ecuador
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: Burnout syndrome is conceptualized as the inadequate way of coping with chronic stress caused by chronic exposure to inadequate working conditions. It affects the mental and general health and the work performance of the people.Objective: to determine the presence of Burnout syndrome in the internal medicine staff and the intensive care unit of the Provincial General Teaching Hospital of Riobamba, Chimborazo, Ecuador.
Methods: A basic, non-experimental, cross-sectional, descriptive and correlational research was carried out in a universe of 77 workers, of which 65 made up the study population. Questionnaires were applied to identify the presence of burnout syndrome, depression and work performance. Pearson's correlation test was used to identify a relationship between variables.
Results: prevalence of patients with burnout syndrome (52.31%), possible depression (47.69%) and self-perception of work performance as adequate (44.62%). Within the subscales of the disease, the one with the greatest affectation was that of personal fulfillment with 47.69% of workers in the medium level and 39.23% in the high level.
Conclusions: there was a predominance of workers with burnout syndrome and a strong positive correlation was identified between the variables depression and burnout syndrome, as well as between this variable and job performance. Among the variables depression and work performance, the correlation obtained was positive medium.
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