2022, Number 1
Predisposition of celiac disease in hypothyroid patients with Down syndrome
Language: Spanish
References: 22
Page: 1-13
PDF size: 644.04 Kb.
Introduction: Down syndrome is a chromosomal alteration consisting in the presence of an extra copy of chromosome 21; it is related to diseases such as hypothyroidism and celiac disease, aspects which are very little studied currently.Objective: Identify the predisposition of celiac disease in hypothyroid patients with Down syndrome.
Methods: Observational study with cross-sectional design conducted at ¨William Soler¨ Hospital in the years 2018-2020. 29 patients with Down syndrome and hypothyroidism were investigated, in whom thyroid profile, bone age, and antigliadin and antitransglutaminase antibodies were performed by screening for celiac disease.
Results: The most affected age group was 5 to 9 years (44.8 %), female sex (51.7 %). As a family history, thyroid disease and diabetes mellitus (79.35 and 37.9%, respectively) were common. Bone age was rated as normal in 86.8%, and as normal-weight 96.6 %. Constipation and diarrhea were present (24.1% and 20.7%, respectively). The presence of predisposing antibodies to celiac disease was positive in 6.9% for anti-transglutaminase antibodies in children between 5 and 9 years old and for antigliadin antibodies 3.4% was found positive corresponding to a child between 5 and 9 years.
Conclusions: This approach to the topic allows to consider celiac disease in hypothyroid patients with Down syndrome.
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