2024, Number 1
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2024; 45 (1)
Pediatric delirium in hospitalized patients
Vázquez MSB, García PS, Molina VD
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 3-9
PDF size: 205.21 Kb.
Background: Delirium is a psychiatric medical condition, characterized by an
acute and fluctuating disturbance of alert state, and other cognitive manifestations.
Despite its high frequency in hospitalized pediatric patients, most of the research has
been limited to retrospective studies and there are no national prospective literature
reports on pediatric population.
Objective: Describe the frequency, clinical characteristics, morbidity and mortality
of delirium in hospitalized pediatric patients.
Materials and Methods: Observational, cross-sectional, prospective, analytical
study, in a sample of patients from 6 to 17 years old diagnosed with delirium by a child
psychiatrist from August 2020 to August 2021. Evaluation was performed using Cornell
and PAED delirium scales.
Results: Sample was constituted by 24 patients: 15 males and 9 females. Mean age
was 13 ± 3 years. Distribution by subtypes was: 10 (42%) patients with hypoactive
delirium, 9 (37%) patients with mixed delirium and 5 (21%). patients with hyperactive
delirium. Higher levels of C-Reactive Protein showed significant association with
severity of delirium. High frequency of adding risk factors was found.
Conclusions: High frequency of adding risk factors was found. Higher levels of
C-Reactive Protein showed significant association with severity of delirium.
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