2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
Factors associated to the choice of forensic medicine specialty in Costa Rican students
Flores SG
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 88-99
PDF size: 383.66 Kb.
Introduction: Decision making for the choice of a medical
specialty is a dynamic, complex and constantly evolving
process that must satisfy the existing needs in a country.
Objective: to identify factors that influence medicine and
surgery students at the University of Costa Rica to consider
the specialty of forensic medicine as a specialization
Method: Exploratory study, which used a questionnaire
applied voluntarily and anonymously to students, which
categorized through the Likert scale the importance of
influence of personal factors, related to the career/school/
university and to graduation. A descriptive analysis of the
results was carried out, classifying them by type of factor.
Results: The highest percentage in importance in choice
was obtained in the category of personal factors, in terms
of vocation, preference or liking for the specialty and its
characteristics (71.8%). In the type of graduation factors,
the possibility offered by the specialty of obtaining
a quick job upon completion and the possibility of doing
residency, were qualified respectively with 64.1% and
61.5% as very important factors in their choice. In the
type of factors related to the career/school/university,
were cited as very important in the choice: the quality of
the medical practices (56.4%) and the inuence of good
and well-prepared classes in the course linked to the
specialty (53.8%).
Discussion: The factors related to the career/school/university
constitute strengths to take into account in possible
university strategies, to improve the perception of the
specialty and to influence on particular personal factors of
the students and factors related to the graduation of the
career. Continuing medical education university programs
become relevant.
Conclusions: There are university factors that make medicine
and surgery students consider specializing in legal
medicine and that it is necessary to strengthen.
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