2024, Number 49
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Inv Ed Med 2024; 13 (49)
Nursing students’ satisfaction with educational video capsules
Bravo Cofré C, Cuadros-Carlesi K, Ruiz-Araya P, Oyarce QMR
Language: Spanish
References: 38
Page: 76-87
PDF size: 423.04 Kb.
Introduction: Education videos contribute to the acquisition
of knowledge and clinical skills of nursing students,
serving as a complement to traditional laboratories.
Objective: To determine the level of student satisfaction
regarding the utilization of educational video capsules.
Method: A quantitative, observational, cross-sectional
descriptive study was conducted with a convenience
sample of 144 nursing students. Eight educational video
capsules were developed for two subjects, which were
viewed by the students. Using the “Video Capsule Evaluation
Survey” instrument, students recorded their satisfaction
The psychometric properties of the instrument
were also studied.
Results: A total of 364 responses from students who
viewed the video capsules were analyzed according to
subject and topic. The overall perception of students
regarding the video capsules was very positive, with a
satisfaction rate of 91.2%. The video with the highest satisfaction
was “Bed Making” (94.4% satisfaction), whereas
the one with the lowest satisfaction was the video “Nasogastric
Tube Placement” (89,1% satisfaction). The item
with the highest satisfaction was the alignment between
the video’s content and its objectives (98.3%), and the
item with the highest dissatisfaction was the presence of
the teacher’s image (8.3%). The overall reliability of the
instrument was fi-Cronbach = 0.896. Exploratory factor
analysis using the principal axis factoring method with
Varimax rotation revealed a new proposed questionnaire
with three dimensions and 19 items.
Discussion: Video capsules promote the active role of
students in their educational process but require use
alongside other types of resources.
Conclusions: The video capsules were positively evaluated,
but there are aspects that need improvement regarding
their format, for which a deeper understanding of
students’ preferences is required. The proposed 19-item
instrument is valid and reliable for systematic use.
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