2022, Number 1
Total recovery with conservative treatment of clavicle fracture with surgical criteria
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-8
PDF size: 277.16 Kb.
Introduction: Clavicle fractures are fairly common injuries that cause loss of bone continuity. The fracture of the external third of the clavicle type 2B, according to Robinson's classification, has surgical criteria or conservative treatment; in the following case the latter possibility was considered.Objective: To describe the clinical evolution of a patient who had clavicle fracture with surgical criteria, and who, through timely physiotherapeutic actions, achieved rapid and complete recovery.
Case report: A case of a female patient with fracture of the external third of the clavicle is reported here. The clinical confirmation was achieved by radiographic studies. The attempt to reduction with Kishner wire failed. In addition, surgery was not carried out. She received physiotherapy treatment in the Comprehensive Rehabilitation service at Dr. Tomás Romay Teaching Polyclinic in Artemisa.
Conclusions: The patient with type 2B clavicle fracture, according to the described Robinson classification, achieved excellent functional results. Only in 8 weeks of adequate physiotherapeutic treatment she had complete recovery of her symptoms and the reincorporation without limitations to her social activity, hence conservative treatment is supported in this type of injury.
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