2024, Number 1
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Revista Mexicana de Trastornos Alimentarios 2024; 14 (1)
Effects of exposure to novel taste stimuli on taste aversive conditioning (TAC) in rats
Santillán-Rivera MS, Gonzalez-Martin AM, López-Espinoza A, Righini N
Language: Spanish
References: 58
Page: 76-89
PDF size: 325.15 Kb.
Organisms are capable of developing taste or food aversion behaviors by learning processes and
avoid a food or flavor when it is related to physical discomfort, illness or some unpleasant condition.
Conditioned taste aversion (CTA) is a procedure that can explain this phenomenon. It is characterized
by the association of an unconditioned stimulus (US) and a conditioned stimulus (CS). Some
factors that influence this process are the familiarity of the US and the intensity of the CS. Although
CTA has been extensively studied, it is reported that it may be more difficult to establish an aversion
to highly palatable foods, even if the published findings are inconsistent. Therefore, the aim of this
study was to evaluate CTA in Wistar rats through exposure to novel gustatory stimuli (strawberry and
fig flavored cookies in solid presentation) and the use of LiCl as an aversive agent. The experimental
design was divided into six phases and included 24 rats assigned to four groups, two experimental
and two control. It was found that the CTA procedure generated aversive behavior, causing no cookie
intake during the choice test. Due to the multiple factors involved in aversion processes, these results
contribute to deepen the current knowledge about the procedures that produce conditioned aversions,
as these may have applications for the control of altered eating behaviors.
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