2022, Number 1
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Rev Cub Med Mil 2022; 51 (1)
Magnetotherapy in patients with chronic dermatitis
Pérez RZM, Falcón LL
Language: Spanish
References: 23
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The use of magnetic fields in the treatment of patients with chronic dermatitis is not very frequent and there are few publications on the subject. The present work presents the authors' experiences in this field, based on how magnetotherapy acts, from a physiological point of view, in some etiological factors of dermatoses and chronic dermatitis. The main objective is to contribute with the experiences in the use of this therapeutic modality and to be considered a treatment of chronic dermatitis. The results of investigations carried out are described, in which it is shown that, with this treatment, it is possible to reduce or eliminate itching, as well as to reach the whitening of dermatological lesions, with advantages for the health of patients and their quality of life. It is argued that the treatment has advantages and possibilities of use. It is considered magnetotherapy to be an option for the treatment of chronic dermatitis.
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