2022, Number 1
Squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus
Language: Spanish
References: 12
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Introduction: Squamous cell carcinoma constitutes the most frequent variety of esophageal cancer. It is considered rare in clinical practice and its evolution is very aggressive.Objective: To describe the clinical manifestations and diagnosis of a patient with squamous cell carcinoma of the esophagus.
Clinical case: 46-year-old male patient, who began with fever, cough and dysphonia. Dysphagia developed 20 days later, the tumor was identified by imaging tests and a biopsy was indicated with sampling by upper endoscopy so that the disease was confirmed.
Conclusions: Esophageal cancer is a rare entity. Its cardinal symptom, dysphagia, is not evident at the beginning of the disease and its diagnosis is made through imaging and histological studies.
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