2022, Number 1
Depression, anxiety and stress in Cuban dental students during the COVID-19 resurgence
Language: Spanish
References: 24
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Introduction: The COVID-19 pandemic has had a negative impact on the mental health of students and is necessary to evaluate these psychological manifestations.Objective: To identify the levels of depression, anxiety and stress in Cuban Stomatology students during the outbreak of COVID-19.
Methods: Observational, descriptive and cross-sectional study. The Depression, Anxiety and Stress scale, validated for the undergraduate of Dentistry in Cuba was used. The scale was available in a Google form. Facebook, Telegram and WhatsApp social networks were used to invite the students. Depression, anxiety and stress were categorized according to cut-off points and descriptive statistics were obtained.
Results: Of the 329 surveyed from 16 universities, 74,16 % suffered from depression, anxiety 63,22 % and stress 68,69 %. In general, 55,62 % suffered from depression, anxiety and stress.
Conclusions: Symptoms of depression, anxiety and stress were identified, being the severe categories the most prevalent in the students of Dentistry.
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