2022, Number 1
Characterization of patients with esophageal cancer operated on programmed esophagectomy
Language: Spanish
References: 18
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Introduction: Esophageal cancer is the eighth most frequently diagnosed neoplasm worldwide with 456 thousand new cases per year.Objective: To characterize patients with esophageal cancer who undergo programmed subtotal esophagectomy.
Methods: An observational, descriptive study of a case series was carried out in the general surgery services of the Provincial Hospital "Saturnino Lora" and General "Juan B. Zayas" of Santiago de Cuba from 2010 to 2019. The universe was made up of 81 patients diagnosed with esophageal cancer, of which 68 were selected agreeing inclusion criteria. Epidemiological, clinical and surgical variables were investigated. Percentages, arithmetic mean and standard deviation were calculated.
Results: A predominance of men was observed (88.2 %); among the epidemiological factors, there was a predominance of alcoholic habit (75.0 %) and smoking (58.8 %), dysphagia in 48 patients was the most frequent symptom. Tumor lesions located in the middle and lower third were the most frequent. Squamous cell carcinoma predominated in 52 patients and the tumor was located in the middle third of the esophagus. Regarding the type of surgical resection, the most used was that of McKeown (87.2 %).
Conclusion: Esophageal cancer is more frequent in men in the third decade of life, smokers, chronic alcoholics and poor nutritional status. The predominant histological pattern is vegetative squamous cell carcinoma. Transhiatal esophagectomy is the most widely used technical variant in its surgical treatment.
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