2022, Number 1
Symbiotic fermented milk and triple therapy in the treatment of Helicobacter pylori
Language: Spanish
References: 28
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Introduction: Helicobacter pylori infection has a wide worldwide distribution and is related to benign and malignant gastrointestinal diseases. Although there is no ideal scheme to eradicate the bacteria, the use of probiotics and prebiotics can serve as adjunctive therapy.Objective: To describe the clinical, endoscopic, histopathological manifestations and the eradication of Helicobacter pylori infection in patients treated with triple therapy and symbiotic fermented milk.
Method: A descriptive, cross-sectional study was carried out from January 2017 to May 2019. 30 patients with Helicobacter pylori infection (diagnosed by histopathological study and urease test) were included. The variables included were: age, sex, clinical manifestations, endoscopic and histopathological diagnosis, and eradication of the bacteria. Descriptive statistics (percentage and measures of central tendency) were used to analyze the results.
Results: There were 71 % female patients. The mean age was 48,6 ± 16,3 years; minimum age of 18 and maximum of 74 years. Dyspepsia was present in 46,6 % of patients and epigastric pain in 33,3 %. Erythematous antral, antral erythematous erythematonodular and erythematonodular gastritis occurred in 23,3% each. Moderate atrophic chronic gastritis was found in 40 % of individuals. Helicobacter pylori was eradicated in 96,7 % of patients.
Conclusions: Female sex and the fourth decade of life predominated. Dyspepsia and moderate atrophic chronic gastritis are the most frequent symptom and histopathological diagnosis, respectively. Erythematous antral, antral erythematous, and erythematonodular gastritis represent the most common endoscopic diagnoses. The eradication rate of Helicobacter pylori was high.
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