2022, Number 1
Factors associated with academic performance in medical students
Language: Spanish
References: 19
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Introduction: University academic performance can be affected by various personal and environmental factors.Objective: To determine the factors associated with academic performance in medical students at a Peruvian university.
Methods: Cross-sectional study conducted in 247 students from the first to the ninth cycle. The grades of the subject with the highest number of credits were collected and a survey was applied to collect data on sex, marital status, previous career, work status, and anxiety level. A simple and multiple regression analysis was performed to estimate the association between academic performance and sociodemographic variables of the respondents.
Results: 70 % were female, median age was 21 years. Seventy-nine-point four percent reported having completed a career. Almost a quarter reported having a job (24,3 %). Anxiety was reported by 46,2 % of university students. The median grade obtained was 16 points. In the simple regression analysis, it was found that having a previous career (p= 0,044) and having a job (p= 0,038) were positively associated with the academic performance score. However, in the multiple regression analysis, the differences observed in both variables were not maintained (p> 0,05).
Conclusion: The median grade in the study period is 16 points. Most of them have a previous career and almost a third are working. The prevalence of anxiety is significant. However, there is no statistically significant association between the factors studied and academic performance.
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