2024, Number 1
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rev homeostasis 2024; 6 (1)
Fracturas pélvicas en el embarazo
Farfán LLP, Marmolejo BLI, Sierra AXR, Fuentes PH, González VAI
Language: Spanish
References: 13
PDF size: 479.47 Kb.
Pelvic fractures during pregnancy are uncommon conditions, with the most common etiologies being high-impact accidents such as car crashes or sports injuries; or stress fractures secondary to underlying conditions like osteoporosis. Physiological and anatomical changes during pregnancy increase the likelihood of a pelvic ring rupture. Morbidity and mortality rates vary depending on the type and degree of the injury. These conditions pose a diagnostic challenge, primarily relying on a thorough physical examination and identification of risk factors. A symptom that can be crucial for stress fracture diagnosis is chronic lower back pain. The gold standard diagnosis for pregnant individuals is magnetic resonance imaging to minimize fetal radiation exposure. Treatment is usually conservative and rarely surgical. Prognosis varies based on the mechanism of the injury and the structures affected in both the mother and the fetus.
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