2024, Number 1
Analysis of arguments received during the public consultation for Mexican front-of-pack warning labels
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 67-77
PDF size: 319.16 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the different elements of the arguments received during the public consultation of the Modification Project to the Official Mexican Standard-051 (NOM-051), emphasizing the protection of children and adolescents. Materials and methods. The information provided in 1 095 arguments was analyzed. Key actors were identified, and a content analysis was carried out to identify if the position was in favor or against the numerals related to the protection of children and adolescents. The analysis was done using NVivo software. Results. 781 key players were identified. During the public consultation, four private sector tactics were identified to interfere in the NOM-051 process: a) front groups that sent comments against NOM- 051; b) questions about the scientific evidence on the relationship between consumption of sweeteners and obesity in schoolchildren; c) questions about the effectiveness of the use of warning labeling for sweeteners; d) comments about individual responsibility individuals responsible for their disease. Conclusion. The interference of the private sector in the NOM-051 implementation process was evident in the comments submitted during the public consultation.REFERENCES
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