2022, Number 1
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Rev Cubana Med Gen Integr 2022; 38 (1)
Consequences of arterial hypertension over cognitive functions
López PJ, Barberena N, Estrada GC
Language: Spanish
References: 48
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 435.56 Kb.
Arterial hypertension, due to its influence and multisystemic involvement, emerges as a potential risk factor for the progressive deterioration of cognitive functions.
To identify the main cognitive alterations associated with arterial hypertension, specifically in attention and memory.
A retrospective literature review of 34 studies was carried out, taking into account inclusion criteria. A time window was established from 2002 to 2019, including the PUBMED, SCOPUS, MEDLINE and SCIELO databases. The full texts were subjected to critical reading and documental analysis using a tracking matrix.
One of the most important consequences of this disease is the negative impact on cognitive functions, particularly attention and memory, with an incidence in mild, profound and medium cognitive impairment. However, its impact on cognition is an area that has recently aroused interest in neuropsychology and cognitive neuroscience. Arterial hypertension is considered one of the cardiovascular diseases linked to dementia, since it causes the development of this disease in 50% of cases.
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