2022, Number 1
Living conditions of the population from four family doctor and nurse's offices
Language: Spanish
References: 17
Page: 1-30
PDF size: 513.73 Kb.
Introduction: Living conditions are the objective conditions in which human beings reproduce their social and individual existence.Objective: To describe the living conditions of the population in four family doctor and nurse’s offices.
Methods: Descriptive and cross-sectional study carried out during the period 2016-2019 in four family doctor and nurse’s offices, chosen by feasibility. A total of 775 individuals were studied, together with the following variables: of sociodemographical type, family classification, perception of economic situation, family problems and solutions to these problems, as well as living conditions. The data were entered into an Access database and processed with the statistical package SPSS version, 20.0 for Windows.
Results: The age range 70-74 predominated (87/11.2%). The highest level of schooling was a technical associate (265/34.2%). The state-employed worker predominated as occupational status (260/33.5%). A significant number of housewives and retirees had the highest level of education completed, senior high school or lower. Small and nuclear families predominated; 268 (34.6%) lived in nuclear families with older adults only. Perception about the economic situation was fair for both the individual (411/53.0%) and the family (418/53.9%). Regarding household appliances, most of the respondents referred they have five of the six first-need appliances; concerning second-need appliances in the dwellings, there was a deficit of air conditioning, microwave oven, sewing machine, computer, video player, freezer, water heater, telephone, or electric stove.
Conclusions: Living conditions express differences according to age, level of schooling, occupational status, and perception of the economic situation.
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