2024, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2024; 31 (1)
Anxiety and Depressive Disorder in Adolescents and its Association with Nutritional Status
Ángeles-Rodríguez Y, Vilchis-Chaparro E, Polaco-de la Vega T, Maravillas-Estrada A
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 30-34
PDF size: 142.35 Kb.
Objective: to evaluate the association
of nutritional status with anxiety and
depression disorder in adolescents at the
primary care level.
Methods: analytical
cross-sectional study, carried out
from March 2022 to February 2023.
By estimating a proportion in finite
populations, the sample was obtained,
considering the prevalence of anxiety and
depression in adolescents. A total of 114
adolescents aged 10 to 19 years, with no
history of eating or psychiatric disorders,
participated. Weight and height were
measured, and nutritional status was
classified according to the criteria proposed
by the World Health Organization
(WHO); the Beck Depression Inventory
and the Beck Anxiety Inventory validated
for adolescents were used. Descriptive
analysis was performed using measures
of central tendency and dispersion, as
well as inferential analysis.
43% were men, and 57% were women,
the mean age was 14.45±2.88 years, the
predominant schooling was high school
and junior high school. Adolescents
with mild and moderate depression
had a higher prevalence of overweight
and obesity, compared to patients with
minimal depression (
p‹0.001). The joint
prevalence of overweight and obesity
was higher in patients with moderate
anxiety compared to patients with minimal
anxiety (
Conclusion: an
association between nutritional status,
and the degree of anxiety and depression
was identified in the treated adolescents.
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