2024, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2024; 31 (1)
Association Between Risk of Early Weaning and Level of Breastfeeding Knowledge
Bautista-Justo LC, Momox-Vázquez LC, Xochitotol-Bautista VM
Language: Spanish
References: 18
Page: 25-29
PDF size: 152.24 Kb.
Objective: to determine the association
between the risk of early weaning and the
level of knowledge about breastfeeding.
Methods: analytical cross-sectional study,
conducted from December 2021 to
May 2022; women older than 18 years
who were breastfeeding at the time of
the study participated; women who were
artificially breastfeeding were excluded.
Sampling was by convenience. The
latch score was used to assess women
at risk, and not at risk of early weaning,
and the breastfeeding knowledge questionnaire.
The early weaning risk variable
was dichotomized and associated with
the level of knowledge. Statistical analysis
was performed using χ2 (
p‹0.05) and
Student's t test.
Results: 266 women
participated, 90.2% (n= 240) of the
sample did not show early weaning risk,
56.8% (n= 151) of them had a high
level of knowledge. While 9.8% (n=
26) of the group at risk had a fair level
of knowledge with 7.5% (n= 20). The
average level of knowledge in the risk
group was 28.38, while in the non-risk
group had an average of 38.2.
there is an association between risk
of early weaning and level of knowledge
about breastfeeding; women who were
breastfeeding and were not at risk had a
higher level of knowledge. Educational
strategies should be established to enable
mothers to develop a more successful
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