2024, Number 1
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Aten Fam 2024; 31 (1)
Prevalence of Anxiety, Depression and Social Support Networks in HIV/AIDS Patients: A Cross-Sectional Study
Secundino-Rebolledo JÁ, Sosa-Martínez MJ, Lagarza-Moreno AJ, Joanico-Morales B, Salgado-Jiménez MÁ
Language: Spanish
References: 31
Page: 12-18
PDF size: 176.35 Kb.
Objective: to determine the prevalence
of anxiety, depression, and identify
social support networks in patients
with HIV/AIDS during the COVID-19
pandemic, in a second-level Hospital
of the Mexican Institute of Social Security
Methods: cross-sectional
analytical study, 420 HIV-positive
patients who attended the HIV Clinic
of the grh No.1 Vicente Guerrero, in
Acapulco, Mexico, from October 2021
to February 2022. A sociodemographic
questionnaire was applied to obtain general
information, the Gráffar-Méndez
Castellanos scale, the Hospital Anxiety
and Depression Scale (HADS), and the
Duke. UNC-11 functional social support
questionnaire. Descriptive statistics,
bivariate analysis, and logistic regression
by the Mantel-Haenszel process
were performed with the data obtained.
Results: the prevalence of anxiety was
7.1%, and depression 5.2%. 89% of
the patients perceived to have sufficient
total social support. An association between
depression, and CD4 lymphocyte
count ‹500 cells/mm
3 (ORa 2.54, 95%
CI 1.06-6.12) was found, as well as,
insufficient perceived total social support
(ORa 15.98, 95% CI 7.68-33.22).
Conclusion: out of ten patients
perceived to have sufficient total social
support, which may be related to the low
prevalence of anxiety and depression. CD4
T lymphocyte counts below 500 cells/
3 were associated with depression.
Social support strategies and adherence
to antiretroviral treatment are key to the
well-being of the population living with
HIV/AIDS during, and in the new normality
of the COVID-19 pandemic.
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