2022, Number 1
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Rev cubana med 2022; 61 (1)
Effectiveness of atorvastatin in acute atherothrombotic cerebral infartation
Roiz BM, Morales BI
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-10
PDF size: 279.69 Kb.
Cererovascular diseases represent an important health problem worldwide and in Cuba they rank the third cause of death and the first cause of disability.
To evaluate the use of astorvastin in acute atherotrombotic cerebral infactation.
A longitudinal prospective study was carried out in patients who attended the emergency room of Julio Trigo López Surgical Clinical Hospital diagnosed with acute atherothrombotic cerebral infarction. Randomly and with prior informed consent, they were given a dose of 0, 20 mg or 40 mg of atorvastatin. Computerized axial tomography of the skull was performed, which was repeated on day 3 and day 30. The value of C-reactive protein in the emergency room was determined, and at day 30, they were clinically evaluated daily during admission and 30 days later, according to the scale of the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale in emergency room.
The size of the infarcted area decreased by 19.4% with 40 mg of atorvastatin, as well as the value of C-reactive protein, which decreased by 16 mg/L. The clinical evaluation according to the National Institute of Health Stroke Scale showed reduction of more than 8 points according to the dose of atorvastatin used.
The efficacy of atorvastatin was demonstrated by the reduction of the infarcted area, the reduction of C-reactive protein values and the favorable clinical evolution. All of these factors were directly proportional to the dose of atorvastatin used.
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