2022, Number 1
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Rev cubana med 2022; 61 (1)
Impact of musicalized physical activity program on the physical fitness of elderly women
Rangel CLG, González CAL, Delgado OE, Ariza VAM
Language: Spanish
References: 27
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 289.74 Kb.
Aging is a natural process resulting from multiple molecular and cellular factors producing deterioration of physical fitness.
To determine the impact of a musicalized physical activity program on the physical fitness of elderly Colombian women.
A quasi-experimental study carried out in 49 elderly women from Bucaramanga, Colombia. We implemented a 10-week musicalized physical activity program. Body composition, aerobic capacity, and lower limb strength were determined by Body Mass Index, six-minute walk, and chair sitting and standing tests, respectively. The variables were analyzed in measures of central tendency or frequencies according to their nature. To determine the existence of a statistically significant difference, the t-student and Fischer's exact tests were used. The level of significance was p ≤ 0.05.
After implementing the program, the mean BMI decreased by 0.71 kg/m2, the mean number of repetitions increased by 2.14 in the strength resistance test and the average reached meters increased by 39 .89 in the aerobic capacity test. Likewise, the number of women who moved into the “functional” category in strength and aerobic capacity levels and the number of women who reached a normal weight increased. The aforementioned differences were statistically significant.
The musicalized physical activity program improved body composition and increased levels of muscle strength and aerobic capacity.
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