2022, Number 1
NeuroPark: An Interactive Application for Learning about Parkinson's disease
Language: Spanish
References: 17
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Introduction: Parkinson's disease (PD) is a neurodegenerative motor disorder that affects more than 1% of the population over 65 years.Objective: develop and implement an interactive application for PD awareness in 3rd year medical students.
Methods: the application was developed in the period from January to May 2018 at the Faculty of Medical Sciences of Bayamo (FMSB) with the free-use Android Studio and GIMP tools. To determine its effectiveness, surveys were conducted on professors and students of the FMSB. The universe constituted all the students of the 3rd year of the medical career (279 students) and the sample by the selected students who made the first two rotations through the Internal Medicine room (60 students). The control group was formed by the first rotation, while the experimental group corresponded to the second rotation, both selected by simple random sampling, in a period from January to May 2018, at the "Carlos Manuel de Céspedes" University Teaching Hospital.
Results: it was obtained as a result that the best grades between 4 and 5 points corresponded to the experimental group with 30 students for 100%, while for the control 9 students were found, for 30%.
Conclusions: the NeuroPark application for learning about Parkinson's disease is an alternative to increase the level of knowledge in the students evaluated.
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