2024, Number 1
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Rev Biomed 2024; 35 (1)
Genealogical analysis of type 2 Diabetes in extended multigenerational families of a Yucatecan community
Pinto-Escalante DC, Ruiz-García L, García-Escalante MG, Valadez-González N, Rubi-Castellanos R, Vera-Gamboa L, Pavía-Ruz N, González-Herrera L, Polanco-Reyes L, Valencia-Pacheco G, Nakazawa-Ueji YE
Language: Spanish
References: 47
Page: 1-9
PDF size: 300.00 Kb.
Introduction. Type 2 diabetes (T2D) affected 537 million of adults
(20-79 years old in 2021, with an increasing trend, highlighting the
younger age of onset. Family cases are frequent, they increase the risk
of developing the pathology in healthy people in whom intervention
is feasible to minimize risks. Genealogy is a tool to determine genetic
susceptibility and other variables that contribute to determining the
level of risk.
Aim. To analyze the behavior of T2D in extended multigenerational
families from a community in Yucatán.
Material and methods. Conducted interviews were made to
identify those affected with T2D in the community of Sisal, Yucatán.
Genealogies were constructed and the number of affected individuals,
their distribution by sex, parental branch of transmission, degree
of kinship, and age of diagnosis were analyzed. Risk stratification
of healthy people for developing T2D was made with ancestry
Results. Twenty four extended families were found, 769 individuals
with a similar proportion of men/women, in 3-5 generations and 3-25
affected with T2D (32.4%). Women predominated in number of affected
(61.3% deceased, 58% alive), high number with early onset age (‹45
years, 48.9%) and having affected parent (75%). Both parents affected
represented 20.8%. Maternal descent prevailed (70.8%) among those
affected. 71.6% of healthy people presented a high risk of developing
Conclusion. The genealogies made it possible to identify the
predominance of women among the risk factors and the maternal
branch among those affected, as well as high risk
for T2DM among healthy people
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