2023, Number 6
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Acta Pediatr Mex 2023; 44 (6)
Morbidity in newborns conceived with the help of assisted reproductive techniques
Bazán GS, Oldak SD, Pérez TJG, Benítez CKL
Language: Spanish
References: 32
Page: 432-439
PDF size: 234.07 Kb.
Objective: To report morbidity in newborns conceived using any assisted reproductive
Materials and Methods: Observational, retrospective cohort study conducted
by analysing the records of women who underwent assisted reproductive techniques
in a private tertiary hospital between October 2016 and December 2018. The records
of their respective newborns were reviewed for conditions diagnosed at birth and up
to hospital discharge.
Results: Sixty-nine mothers and 95 neonates were studied. The mean age of the mothers
was 36.9 years (range: 19 to 54 years). In 85.5% (59 of 69) at least one pregnancyrelated
medical history was found, mainly hypothyroidism (n = 9) and myomectomy
(n = 7) as a surgical procedure. Thirty-seven per cent (n = 26) of the pregnancies were
twins. The mean gestational age of the newborns was 35.8 weeks (range 25.5 and 40.1);
the mean birth weight was 2298 grams (range 780 and 4150 g). Birth morbidity was
reported in 69 of the 95 newborns (72.6%): prematurity (84.1%), hyperbilirubinaemia
(36.2%), and respiratory distress syndrome (28.9%). 20% of the newborns required
admission to the intensive care unit, mainly because of prematurity (18.9%) and respiratory
distress syndrome (13.6%). The mean hospital stay was 11.3 days (limits: 2 and
100), and no deaths were recorded.
Conclusions: There was a high incidence (37%) of twin pregnancies and prematurity
(84.1%); in most cases the morbidity was transient, with no permanent sequelae
or deaths in the neonates studied.
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