2022, Number 1
Analysis of radiological risks in diagnostic nuclear medicine of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology of Cuba
Language: Spanish
References: 21
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 629.17 Kb.
Introduction: For the start of operations in the nuclear medicine service of the Institute of Hematology and Immunology, the analysis of radiological risks carried out.Objectives: To determine the individual contribution of the stages of the process and of the control elements in the radiological risk.
Methods: The developed process model was from the risk matrix method. The added measures were at eliminating accidental sequences with medium risk and high consequences for the patients. The most important control elements were by their percentage participation and incidence in the change in the level of risk when they eliminated.
Results: The stages most contributing to the risk were, in order of importance, the preparation of the radiopharmaceuticals, the acquisition of the images and the administration. Highlighted measures are the following: a moderate workload, the training for the radiation protection officer and the one who performs the administrations and the procedure of contrasting the data of the dose that will administer to the patient against what is in the study prescription. Besides are the tests quality control of radiopharmaceuticals, the analysis of the results of the dosimetry performed on the workers periodically and the external and internal audits with different equipment.
Conclusions: All the measures identified in obtaining the residual risk and in the sensitivity analysis, were included in the Safety and Quality Improvement Plan, as a guarantee of the radiological safety of the operations.
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