2023, Number 3
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (3)
Salpinge carcinoma
García-Pedro EE, Jiménez-Mejía DC, Tafoya-Ramírez F, Arango-Cruz C, Orellana-Centeno JE, Pérez-Cruz VH
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 309-315
PDF size: 396.17 Kb.
Introduction: Primary uterine salpinge cancer is a rare malignant neoplasm of the female genital tract, corresponding to 0.1-1.8% of
gynecologic malignancies. It occurs mainly in menopausal or post-menopausal patients, with a higher incidence between 55-65 years
of age.
Pacient and methods: We present the case of a 63-year-old patient with the diagnosis of primary salpinge carcinoma, since
the patient came to the consultation for abdominal pain, increased abdominal perimeter, ascites, and weight loss of approximately 5
kilos, from the beginning of her Symptoms reported by CT Ascites, Carcinomatosis as well as probable pelvic tumor dependent on
the right ovary, he was admitted to the exploratory laparotomy with findings of a tumor dependent on the right ovary, peritoneal
carcinomatosis and abundant ascites fluid, optimal cytoreduction was performed and the samples were sent to the service of Pathology
of our unit, reaching the definitive diagnosis by histopathology and immunohistochemistry of high-grade carcinoma, of the right salpinge,
affecting the muscle layer surpassing it. Conclusion: It is a rare pathology with survival varying in some studies around 20-
60%, depending on the FIGO stage. Treatment is based on surgery and postoperative chemotherapy.
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