2023, Number 3
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Rev Med UAS 2023; 13 (3)
Historical analysis of the prevalence of suspicious lesions of oral cancer in Mexico 2009- 2020
Cano-Verdugo G, de la Garza-Ramos MA
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 278-287
PDF size: 344.40 Kb.
Objectives: To perform a historical analysis of the prevalence of suspected oral cancer lesions in Mexico 2009-2020 in order to
discern their current implication in practice, population health and health policies.
Material and method: We studied the information
available from the Oral Disease and Pathology Surveillance System (SIVEPAB) and WHO, and proceeded to analyze and synthesize
the data narratively. Chi-square was used to analyze the prevalence figures by year. Finally, the implication of the results obtained on
population health, practice and health policies was analyzed.
Results: The analysis showed a minimum of 103 and a maximum of
710 suspected oral cancer lesions in Mexico, with a mean of 419. In the statistical analysis, no significant differences were found
between the reported number of lesions per year. Regarding its implications, it was found that knowledge of the existence of national
reports is essential to make this growing pathology visible to population, and scientific community.
Conclusions: Since these lesions
are the precedent of oral cancer, which is associated with high mortality and lethality, it is important to analyze them in order to observe
their behavior, their possible implication in practice, and the establishment of health policies that promote their registration and early
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