2023, Number 4
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2023; 43 (4)
Brief history of dialysis in the world and in Argentina. Part 4: The beginnings of peritoneal dialysis in Argentina
Cusumano AM, Cusumano CA, Acosta GL
Language: Spanish
References: 26
Page: 242-246
PDF size: 160.93 Kb.
Based on previous experimental
investigations about the anatomy and
physiology of the peritoneum and
the physicochemical phenomenon of
osmosis realized in the 19th century
in the world, peritoneal dialysis (PD)
as treatment of uremia initiated in the
20th century in patients with acute
kidney injury (AKI) or advanced
chronic kidney disease (CKD), first
in isolated attempts until 1975, when
Moncrief et al. started continuous
ambulatory PD. In Argentina, the
first PDs were performed mainly in
patients with AKI: in 1958 by Carlos
Gianantonio et al, and in 1963 by
Jorge Cucci, Shirley Rosello and
Elsa Piulatsa, in both cases mainly
in children with the hemolytic
uremic syndrome. At the Institute
of Medical Research (IDIM), also in
1963, López Blanco et al. performed
PD in 19 adult patients with AKI or
decompensated CKD and, in 1968,
Lanari et al published their results in
the treatment of AKI in 633 patients
(44 with PD).
The first chronic PD program
began in September/1978 at the
Central Polyclinic of the Unión
Obrera Metalúrgica (Buenos Aires) in
8 patients, using national technology
(peritoneal catheters and semi-rigid
bags). Subsequently, the PD programs
Breve historia de la diálisis en el mundo y en Argentina.
4ta Parte: Los inicios de la diálisis peritoneal en Argentina
Brief history of dialysis in the world and in Argentina. Part 4: The
beginnings of peritoneal dialysis in Argentina
Ana Maria Cusumano 1, Carlos Alberto Cusumano 2, Luciana Acosta Guemes 3
extended over the country: in 1980
at the Ricardo Gutierrez Children’s
Hospital (Buenos Aires) and at the
Olivos Clinic (Buenos Aires Province);
in 1981 at the IDIM (Buenos Aires
city); in 1985 at the Private Hospital
(Córdoba) and at the Sanatorio Parque
(Rosario, Santa Fe); in 1986 at the
Sanatorio Parque (Salta). Currently,
according to the Argentine Dialysis
Registry 2022, 2,497 individuals
on 12/3/21 were receiving chronic
PD (8.5% of the total under dialysis
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