2021, Number 4
Effect of cresophene on the contractile dynamics of arterial vascular smooth muscle
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 641.46 Kb.
Introduction: Cresophene is a commonly used antiseptic and antimicrobial used as an intra-conductive medication in endodontics. There are few scientific reports on its effects on arterial vascular smooth muscles and the regulation of local blood flow.Objective: Determine the effect of cresophene on the contractile dynamics of arterial vascular smooth muscle according to its concentration and time of application.
Methods: A preclinical experimental research was conducted using 30 rings of external carotid arteries obtained from Wistar rats. The rings were placed in an organs bath and pre-activated with vasoactive substances, then the tension developed by the vascular smooth muscle after the addition of cresophene was recorded, in different concentrations and during different time intervals.
Results: Cresophene produced 49.1% vascular relaxation. The greatest decrease in tone occurred with the use of solutions at 10%. Wilcoxon tests of the ranges with signs showed significant differences between the initial base tension and that recorded ten minutes after the addition of the drug for solutions of 7% and 10%, respectively.
Conclusions: The cresophene induced in vitro relaxation of the arterial smooth vasculature through a drug-mechanical excitation-contraction coupling, which increased depending on the time and concentration of the drug.
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