2021, Number 4
Action plan for a knowledge management strategy for Cuban pharmaceutical services
Language: Spanish
References: 15
Page: 1-20
PDF size: 1026.77 Kb.
Introduction: It is essential to have an action plan to implement a strategy already designed with activities to be developed, indicators and compliance deadlines.Objective: Design an action plan for Cuban pharmaceutical services based on the components of the knowledge management strategy.
Methods: The action plan was created applying the methodology of action research and the analysis of the referential theoretical framework, for the development of competence of pharmacists who provide services to the population. It included the following components: organizational regulations, knowledge management, training and technology, with activities, indicators and compliance deadlines for each one.
Results: 34 activities and 54 indicators were declared for the five components of the strategy. The regulation was channeled to actions for the formulation of standards and guidelines for knowledge management with a view to the development of competencies and performances. The organization focused on drug- and patient-oriented processes. Knowledge management was based on actions aimed at the creation of knowledge in the organization to increase organizational efficiency, supported by tools for closing gaps. The training addressed the continuous professional improvement in accordance with scientific advances. The technological one favored the processes of management and analysis of information, for decision making with efficiency, quality and reliability.
Conclusions: The action plan designed is a tool of great value for the implementation of the knowledge management strategy in Cuban pharmaceutical services. The diagnostic stage is the main axis for the identification and updating of the main problems existing in the pharmaceutical services of the country, which are related, mainly, to the levels of competence of professionals according to the needs of patients and the society in general.
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