2021, Number 3
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Rev Cubana Farm 2021; 54 (3)
Development of a lipstick based on Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer for cosmetic use
Varas-Arribasplata VL, Tapia-García LA, Castillo SEF, Ayala-Jara C, Reyes Alfaro CE
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 1-19
PDF size: 745.07 Kb.
Introduction: The care for physical appearance represents a priority aspect for
people of different age groups, so it is necessary to have safe and economically
accessible cosmetics for the population, which also allow to revalue the use of
products derived from plant species.
Objective: Develop a lipstick made from the fruit of Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.)
Sleumer for cosmetic use.
Methods: A quantitative and applied study was carried out in two stages. In the
first stage, the ethanolic extraction of the dye of the fruit of Gaultheria glomerata
(Cav.) Sleumer was carried out with the respective quality controls; and in the
second stage, using the hot method, a lipstick was designed and formulated with
the natural dye. The cosmetic product obtained was subjected to organoleptic
(odor, brightness, appearance, color, slippage, texture and adhesion),
physicochemical (pH, peroxides index, melting point and softening point) and
microbiological (aerobic mesophiles, Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Staphylococcus
aureus and Escherichia coli) controls. The shelf life was estimated through
accelerated stability and shelving studies. Descriptive and inferential statistics
were used for quantitative data considering a reliability level of 95%.
Results: The extract of the fruit of Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.) Sleumer was
liquid, fluid, with purplish color, with slightly pleasant smell, pH 5.5/0.1 and density of 1.04/0.0 g/mL; the developed formulation presented constant organoleptic characteristics: very shiny, uniform, optimal appearance, pleasant
smell and good adhesion; with physicochemical characteristics, pH, peroxide
index, melting point and softening within the standard specifications, without
significant changes over time; and, in the microbiological characteristics, it had
absence of microorganisms. The shelf life of the formulation was 1.5 years
according to accelerated stability and shelf studies.
Conclusions: The lipstick made from the dye of Gaultheria glomerata (Cav.)
Sleumer presents cosmetic quality, by complying with organoleptic,
physicochemical, microbiological and stability controls and represents in the
short, medium and long term an entrepreneurial strategy for those organizations
that are interested in manufacturing cosmetic products.
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