2023, Number 4
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Dermatología Cosmética, Médica y Quirúrgica 2023; 21 (4)
Pityriasis alba: a review
Cortés-López PN, Miranda-Martínez JA, Guzmán-Montijo E, Morales-González VA, Juárez-Durán ER, Arenas R
Language: Spanish
References: 30
Page: 339-343
PDF size: 163.16 Kb.
Pityriasis alba is a frequent skin disorder, mainly observed between
three to 16 years of age, 90% of the cases occur in children
under 12 years of age. The etiology has not been fully clarified,
nevertheless a wide variety of risk factors have been attributed
to it, such as: prolonged sun exposure, frequent body baths, dark
skin phototype and atopic dermatitis. The objective of this review
is to provide updated information of a common and understudied
skin disease that affects mainly dark skin types.
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