2021, Number 1
Level of coping with academic stress of students of the degree in nursing at Centro Universitario Valle de Chalco in the 2020
Language: Spanish
References: 14
Page: 1-14
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Introduction: Coping is an important reaction to the stimulus, which is generated in a behavioral situation, be it cognitive or behavioral. Students in the university stage face difficulties that put their coping at risk, due to the appearance of academic stress. General.Objective: Identify the level of coping with academic stress, of the students of the nursing degree.
Methods: Descriptive, cross-sectional, prospective study applied to a significant sample of 266 university students of the nursing degree at the UAEM Valle de Chalco University Center, with 95% reliability and 0.5% margin of error, the type of sampling was random simple. To measure the variables, the Sisco Academic Stress Inventory was used, where the level of coping with academic stress and the relationship with the dimensions of stressors and psychological and behavioral reactions will be evaluated.
Results: The results showed a high score for the presence of stressors and a low level of coping with academic stress, as well as the female sex.
Conclusions: The level of coping with academic stress was 37.59%, this result corresponds to a low status level of the total sample, which indicates that care must be taken to avoid continuing with high levels of academic stress. Coping is a way of promoting a stress solution strategy that is experienced in the university school environment, so it is intended to generate interest in future research related to academic coping, with special attention to the main stressors that trigger stress in university training.
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