2021, Number 1
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Rev Cuba Enf 2021; 37 (1)
Factors that make up quality of life in the work of teaching nurses
Parra-Giordano D, Andres FV, Pinto-Galleguillos D, Saldías FMA, Soto MP
Language: Spanish
References: 24
Page: 1-11
PDF size: 373.68 Kb.
Introduction: The quality of life of each working group occurs according to its social insertion, through social reproduction, which produces protective and destructive factors for health, modeling the epidemiological profile.
Objective: To identify the factors that generate quality of life referred by teaching nurses in accordance with the favorable and destructive processes that make up the epidemiological profile.
Methods: Qualitative study developed with a focus on critical epidemiology, carried out at a School of Nursing in Chile. The research subjects were seventeen teaching nurses, who were conducted individual semistructured interviews until the phenomenon was saturated.
Results: The epidemiological profile was obtained. The favorable factors identified are relationship with students, personal satisfaction, means offered by the institution, healthy activities, financial support and infrastructure, professional development, faculty freedom, having a common goal, teaching commitment, teamwork, and feelings of importance. The destructive factors identified are lack of infrastructure and materials, time to develop teaching activities, long hours and overload, occupation of rest time, travel time, demands on interaction with students, lack of teaching involvement, communication noises, load distribution, remuneration, multiplicity of tasks, and difficulties in theoretical or practical teaching.
Conclusions: The epidemiological profile of the teaching nurses of a School of Nursing in a public university is established, which allowed identifying the factors that generate quality of life and must be addressed to improve people's lives.
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