2021, Number 1
Factors associated with adherence to medication and non-medication treatment in hypertensive patients
Language: Portugués
References: 22
Page: 1-14
PDF size: 437.57 Kb.
Introduction: Therapeutic managment of high blood pressure includes nonpharmacological and pharmacological measures. Nonadherence to treatment is one of the most significant challenges for public health.Objective: To characterize the factors associated with adherence to medication and treatment without medication in hypertensive patients.
Methods: This is a descriptive, quantitative and cross-sectional study carried out in a basic health unit in the city of Teresina, Piauí, with 160 hypertensive patients. The data were collected from February to July 2019 by applying a semistructured questionnaire containing questions related to socioeconomic and demographic aspects, treatment without drugs, blood pressure verification, and knowledge about antihypertensives in use. For data analysis, the chi-square test was used, with a significance of 95%, considering the 2x2 independence tests for the association between variables.
Results: The sample consisted of women, elderlies and retirees, with wages between one and two times the minimum wage. The main lifestyle modification adopted was abstaining from alcohol and tobacco consumption. The majority of them stated that they routinely checked blood pressure (57.50%), that they were aware of the antihypertensive medication in use (68.00%), and that they were satisfied with the care provided in the basic health unit (78.75%).
Conclusion: The hypertensive population studied partially adhered to the recommended treatment.
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