2020, Number 4
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Rev Nefrol Dial Traspl 2020; 40 (4)
Vitamin D, its “Non-Classic” Actions and it Utility in the COVID-19 Pandemic
Mansur JL
Language: Spanish
References: 59
Page: 330-340
PDF size: 381.79 Kb.
The discovery that the synthesis of
1-25-vitamin D is not only renal and
that the enzyme 1 alpha hydroxylase
is found in numerous tissues of the
body, together with the evidence
of the association between vitamin
D deficiency and the presence of
non-bone diseases (cancer, multiple
sclerosis, autoimmune diseases, etc.),
gives us the possibility of trying to
prevent these conditions. Placebocontrolled
supplementation studies
have not provided positive results
for certain conditions, but some of
these trials have been carried out on
populations with “sufficient” and
not “deficient” vitamin D levels.
However, other meta-analyses have
shown prevention of some conditions
(respiratory infections, prediabetes)
in groups of patients with deficiencies
who were given supplements. There
is also evidence of antiviral effect
of vitamin D. Its anti-infective and
immunomodulatory action and its
effect upon the renin–angiotensin
system, stimulating the angiotensinconverting
enzyme 2 (the SARSCoV
virus receptor), nowadays
allow us to think that, in high
levels, COVID-19 infection could
be less likely or serious. Vitamin
D supplementation is adequate for
preventing diseases in patients with
deficiencies; administering vitamin D within
the 2020 pandemic, even without having tested
it in high-risk populations, could diminish the
incidence of this disease.
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