2023, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (6)
Early childhood developmental delay in Mexico: an inequality analysis
Vázquez-Salas RA, Montañez-Hernández JC, Villalobos A, Barrientos-Gutiérrez T, Hubert C
Language: Spanish
References: 20
Page: 665-673
PDF size: 296.18 Kb.
Objective. To estimate the inequality in early childhood
development (ECD) delay among children aged 24 to 59
Materials and methods. We assessed ECD
delay using the Early Childhood Development Index 2030.
We evaluated the factors associated with ECD delay, its
concentration index (CI), and decomposing to estimate
the inequality between factors.
Results. The inequality
concentrated among children with lower levels of well-being
index (CI= -0.09, p-value ‹0.01), with worse levels in states
with very high (-0.28, p-value ‹0.01) and very low (-0.15,
valor p= 0.03) marginalization. Decomposition of the CI
revealed that the factors most contributing to the observed
inequality are lack of learning support and lack of access to
children’s books, besides living in very highly marginalized
Conclusion. Public policies should focus
on actions such as facilitating access to learning opportunities
and children’s books so that children at higher risk of
falling behind in ECD achieve their maximum development.
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