2023, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (6)
Association between water insecurity and depressive symptomatology in Mexican adults
Hernández-Palafox C, Vizuet-Vega NI, Méndez-Gómez-Humarán I, Shamah-Levy T, Villalobos-Hernández A, Vázquez-Salas RA
Language: Spanish
References: 37
Page: 620-628
PDF size: 318.54 Kb.
Objective. To analyze the association between water insecurity
(WI) and the presence of depressive symptomatology (DS)
in the Mexican population aged 20 years and over.
and methods. We analyzed information from 11 806 adults
and participants of Encuesta Nacional de Salud y Nutrición 2022
(Ensanut 2022). We used the Household Water Insecurity
Experiences (HWISE) and the Depression Scale of the Center
for Epidemiologic Studies (CESD-7) to measure WI and DS,
respectively. We conducted multinomial logistic regression
models adjusted by confounding variables.
Results. WI is
associated with the presence of DS in Mexican adults (odds
ratio [OR]=1.5;
p‹0.001). The adjusted prevalence of DS was
6.1 points higher in people with WI. Other factors associated
with DS, in the presence of WI, were: being female (OR=2.0;
p‹0.001), being separated or divorced (OR=1.5;
p=0.001), not
having any schooling (OR=2.9;
p‹0.001), belonging in the low
tercile of well-being conditions (OR=1.3;
p=0.005) and to have
60 or more years (OR=3.5;
Conclusion. Waterrelated
problems affect the mental health of the population.
Monitoring mental health and WI is relevant in projects where
water plays a key role, such as poverty reduction, economic
development, and climate change mitigation.
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