2023, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (6)
Associated factors with anemia and micronutrient deficiencies in Mexican women. Ensanut Continues 2022
Shamah-Levy T, Mejía-Rodríguez F, García-Guerra A, Mundo-Rosas V, De la Cruz-Góngora V
Language: Spanish
References: 45
Page: 603-611
PDF size: 368.71 Kb.
Objective. To identify the factors associated with anemia,
iron deficiency (ID) and vitamin B12 (B12D) in women aged
12 to 49 years participating in the
Encuesta Nacional de Salud y
Nutrición Continua 2022 (Ensanut Continua 2022).
and methods. The 2022-NHNS is a nationally representative
probabilistic survey. Venous blood was collected from
women for analysis of hemoglobin, ferritin, and vitamin B12 to
estimate deficiencies according to World Health Organization.
Descriptive analyses and logistic regression models (SVY/
STATA module) were performed.
Results. The prevalence
of anemia, ID and B12D were 15.7, 41.9 and 17.2%, respectively,
and anemia was associated with carboy/bottled water
(OR=2.27; 95%CI: 0.99,5.17) and DH with non-pipe water
(OR= 2.86; 95%CI: 1.31, 6.22) and urban stratum (OR=1.56;
95%CI: 0.98, 2.45).
Conclusions. Anemia, ID and B12D in
women were highly prevalent, therefore, it is necessary to
conduct interventions focused into the issue of drinking water
and right to access in women with greater socio-economic
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