2023, Number 6
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salud publica mex 2023; 65 (6)
Consumption trends of fruits, vegetables and legumes in Mexican adults. Ensanut 2012-2022
Medina-Zacarías MC, Rodríguez-Ramírez S, Martinez-Tapia B, Valenzuela-Bravo DG, Gaona-Pineda EB, Arango-Angarita A, Shamah-Levy T
Language: Spanish
References: 39
Page: 592-602
PDF size: 362.14 Kb.
Objective. To assess changes from 2012 to 2020-2022 in
the consumption and percentage of adults in compliance with
World Health Organization (WHO) and EAT-Lancet Commission
on Food, Planet, Health recommendations for fruits,
vegetables, and legumes in Mexican adults.
Materials and
methods. We analyzed data from adults≥20 years old (n=29
757), with information of food frequency questionnaire from
the 2012-2022 Mexican National Health and Nutrition Surveys.
Median consumption and the percentage of the population
that achieve WHO and EAT-Lancet recommendations of
fruits, vegetables and legumes were estimated through quantile
regression models and logistic regression models, respectively.
Both regression models were function of the survey year and
study covariates.
Results. From 2012 to 2020-2022, fruit
consumption remained constant over time (113.5-131 g/day)
and vegetables consumption increased (from 83 to109 g/day),
while legume consumption decreased (from 10 to 7.7 g/day).
A low percentage of adults (‹40%) were found to comply with
the recommendations of these food groups, especially in the
legume group (‹1.5%), which remained constant throughout
the 10 years analyzed.
Conclusion. There is a decreasing
trend in the consumption of legumes and the consumption
of fruits and vegetables has remained low, so strategies to
promote their consumption are urgently needed.
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